Plants the Permaculture Way


Dec 3rd & 4th 2016

     In this interactive two-day class we will look at the plant based world we live in and how to interact with them to create a balanced and healthy life. We will explore plants from their natural settings, to creating gardens and polyculture orchards, and how to utilize them within the home.

     You will gain techniques to help identify and use local trees and plants, come to an understanding of their significance in the landscape and practice using plants for food, medicine and utility.  We will also study how natural plants form guilds and communities and how these structures can be utilized or replicated to provide for many of our needs.


Plant Identification

  • Techniques to help you identify trees and plants
  • Understanding the significance of trees and plants in the landscape
  • Plant walks to observe trees and plants in their natural environment
  • Landscape restoration and the importance of native plants
  • Identify and harvest wild and cultivated plants


Plants as Medicine


  • Process plants to create:
    • Tinctures
    • Decoctions
    • infusions
    • teas
    • salves
    • ferments and more


Plants as Food

  • picture-4Garden establishment, maintenance, and management
  • Composting and garden fertility
  • Plant propagation, including starting from seed or cutting, grafting, seed saving and more
  • Sprouts & microgreens in the kitchen
  • Identify methods to employ plants as windbreaks, shelter belts, habitat for animals, and useful companions for other plants
  • Define and review plant guilds, food forests, basic plant biology, basic botany, effects of weather on vegetation, interactions with animals, and the processes of various habitats and ecosystems (including farm ecosystems)




Where:                            2795 Evans Rd

                                           Johns Island SC 29455

On 2.5 acre Permaculture homestead set within a natural Pine Forest

When:                         Saturday Dec 3rd and Sunday Dec 4th 

                                       9 am until 5 pm

            Please arrive a few minutes early as we will start promptly at 9 am

Cost:                          Saturday Dec 3rd Only – $60

                                    Sunday Dec 4th only – $60

                                    Saturday and Sunday – $95


     (843) 471 7837


Wayne Weiseman:Wayne-Weisman

Wayne is a Permaculture teacher, designer, consultant and author. He lives in Carbondale, Illinois with his wife, Frances and daughter, Halima. He was certified to teach Permaculture by Bill Mollison, the founder of Permaculture, and is recognized by the Worldwide Permaculture Network as an instructor of the Permaculture Design Certificate Course. Mr. Weiseman is certified by the American Institute of Architecture (AIA) and the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) to teach continuing education in Permaculture to licensed architects and landscape architects. Wayne has taught hundreds of Permaculture Design Certificate courses and advanced work, lectured and consulted internationally for many years. His design portfolio includes numerous master plans for various clients.

Wayne has worked as a schoolteacher and as a consultant to educators and Gary Roberts Master Plan.inddadministrators in curriculum and professional development. As a primitive wilderness instructor, he relies on observation techniques and a thorough understanding of the natural world to ply his trade. He has worked extensively with corporate executives in the art of team building, and the application of ideas in business and life developed through the observation of the cycles and connections found in the natural world. He has worked as a builder and contractor, herbalist, renewable energy expert, and farmer for the past thirty years. For many years Wayne managed a land-based, self-reliant community project combining organic crop/food production, ecologically-built shelter, renewable energy and appropriate technologies.

Fishman-House-Planting-3-16Wayne is the founder and director of The Permaculture Project LLC, a full-service, design, consulting and educational business that promotes eco-agriculture, renewable energy resources and eco-construction methods. He is also the director of education at Kinstone Academy of Applied Permaculture, an educational organization teaching advanced, applied Permaculture and whole systems design, located in Fountain City, Wisconsin. 

Wayne is co-author of an authoritative book on integrated forest gardening and plant guilds that was published in August, 2014.

The book is available on Amazon at this link: Integrated Forest Gardening: The Complete Guide to Polycultures and Plant Guilds in Permaculture Systems. The book is also available through it’s publisher, Chelsea Green Publishing – IFG, or purchase an autographed copy at the workshop directly from Wayne.

Wayne Weiseman and The Permaculture Project LLC can be contacted by emailing or calling (618) 713-0537.

Nick Tittle

nickteachingNick Tittle grew up in Washington DC and attended the University of South Carolina where he received a bachelors degree in small business management and entrepreneurship. After school Nick traveled the world visiting farms and gaining valuable insight into indigenous agricultural practices before heading to South East Asia. He spent three years managing volunteers, interns and apprentices at the Panya Project Permaculture and Earthen Building Education Center. Nick specializes in consulting and teaching about a variety of subjects including natural building, organic gardening, forest gardening, soil 


food web technology, animal husbandry and alternative economic systems. Nick received his Teacher Training certification from John Champaign in 2010 and has consulted in Thailand, China, India, Guatemala, and the USA. He was a featured speaker at the 1st South East Asia Permaculture Convergence, presenting about rehabilitating a monoculture orchard into a perennial polyculture food forest. Nick additionally organized and facilitated the 1st Thailand Permaculture Convergence in 2013.

Nick is currently based in Charleston, South Carolina where he is working on his 2.5 acre homestead and treehouse.


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