
Are you interested in transforming your land into one of plentiful abundance using permaculture design principles and ethics?  We are free to answer questions over email, talk on skype, design from afar or make a visit to your property.  We believe that good design increases the quality of life and that every situation needs a specific solution tailor maid to the circumstances. That is why we offer a wide range of design services. We want to be there to support you when you have a single question about raising goats all the way to when you need an entire master plan for your new farm/community.

Permaculture Sustainability Consultation

092923zp21ca8t85o2a5t6Are you interested in making your home, farm, or community more efficient?  Surplus design uses permaculture principles and ethics to assess your current practices and investigates areas for improvement.  We aim at applying permaculture strategies and tools to plug all energy leaks, reducing off site inputs and limit on site waste in a holistic manner. After a sustainability audit, you receive a list of recommended action steps to help the systems run more effectively, efficiently and sustainably in the future.

Detail Design of specific project

2_with explDo you have a project you would like to implement but do not feel confident doing it on your own?  Surplus Permaculture Design is happy to offer detailed designs of projects specifically tailored to your site and needs. Due to our cooperative structure, we are able to tap into designer's specialities and therefore find a right person for the design. Possible areas of expertise are solar energy, biogas, food forests, perennial/annual market garden, orchard system, greywater treatment, waste disposal and much more. Please contact us for more information if you feel like you need design support for your project.

Master Plan of site

IMG_8986_resizedThe goal of a master plan is to offer you a design that meets all your and the site's needs. A master plan includes observation of the land and its energy flows, an in-depth analysis and ultimately a detailed design. All design work is done in coordination with the client, as we believe the best designs are ones that truly reflect the needs and resources of a given situation. A master plan can be very extensive but also very compact, it depends on your specific needs. The ultimate goal of each masterplan is different but it will alaways be designed using the three permaculture ethics: Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share.


All design work is done in coordination with the client, as we believe the best designs are ones that truly reflect the needs and resources of a given situation.  All clients are encouraged to take a permaculture course, as the true effectiveness of the design will be determined by how well it relates to your life.