Permaculture Design Course: Jan 22 – Feb 5, 2015

Panya Project and the Mindfulness Project team up to bring you this unique PDC course! 

The Panya Project and Surplus' founding member, Christian Shearer is returning to Thailand to teach this great course.  Come join Christian, Howard Story of WWOOF Thailand, and Christian Carow, the founder and Managing Director of the Mindfulness Project.

We expect this course to fill, so register soon to reserve your spot:


3 leading projects, 3 incredible teachers, one course! The first part of the course takes place in the Panya Project, the oldest permaculture site in Thailand. The second part in the monastery where the Mindfulness Project is located. This is a brand new project and you will make the design for it which will be actually implemented. So you will see long existing systems and plan a new site in one single course!

Permaculture is a proven system which combines a special way of organic gardening, based on old traditional methods combined with newest technology, water harvesting methods, compost and soil management, natural building methods, alternative energies and alternative solutions for trade and markets. The special feature of Permaculture is that all this elements will be integrated into a system where they support each other in a unique way. This art of imitating nature and the combination of elements is called Permaculture Design.

You can apply this design principles to small scale or urban gardens as well as on large scale farms in any kind of climate or landscapes. In the end of this course you will be able to design your own land, get deep insight into what to plant and how, get an overview of many alternative ways of living, solving urgent today problems and living a self reliant life. This course can definitely change your life!
On top of that the course will take place in a forest monastery where you can have a deep insight into rural Thai life, Buddhist Meditation and get unique experiences. No previous experience in farming, growing or building is necessary. Don´t miss it!




We invite you to join us for a certified 72-hour Permaculture Design Course (PDC). This PDC promises to be a very unique experience. We teach, based on our real life experience with Permaculture here at Panya and around the world. The 72 hours of course work, required to receive a Permaculture Design Certificate, will be covered over the two week period. It promises to be a PDC full of energy and excitement, balanced with groundedness, awareness and centeredness, where sessions will be taught to accommodate different learning styles combining lectures, group discussions, visual demonstrations, hands-on participatory learning. All students are required to be present for the full two weeks if they wish to receive the certificate.


The first week of the PDC will be held at The Panya Project, an eight year old permaculture site in the hills of Northern Thailand.  The Panya Project is an example of a fully integrated Permaculture site with many exciting examples of Permaculture design. Not only will you be partaking in a two week long immersion in Permaculture, you will also be part of the Panya community and thereby learn how to live and thrive in an intentional community. The second week of the course will be held at the Mindfulness Project in Northeastern Thailand, where the permaculture is just getting off the ground.  This gives us a chance to design and interact with a space that is ready and willing to implement our design ideas. Our aim is to create a supportive learning community for the duration of the workshop, where trust, compassion, support and connection is built among participants.


The course will consist of a broad range of topics applicable to life anywhere on this planet, yet will be tailored to the needs of the students present as well as the location at hand.  As part of the course, participants will help to co-create designs for real world projects that could include elements such as food forests, permaculture-style gardens, natural building, water catchment and irrigation systems.  All will have an opportunity to take part in the existing permaculture activities on the hosting land.


In this course, we will cover every major topic in Bill Mollisons: Permaculture: a Designers Manual.  What that includes is the following:

1. Philosophies and Ethics underlying permaculture

2. Basic permaculture principles

3. Patterns in Nature and how to use that in permaculture design

4. Methods of design.  How to apply permaculture design tools and strategies to your design problems. How to increase your chance on a successful design by following a well defined design methodology.

5. Climactic factors and strategies.  We will cover all the major climates and how to work with them.

6. Trees, forests and Forest gardening. How to mimic natural forest systems to create an abundance of food, fiber and fodder.

7. Water: catchment, usage, importance, and conservation.

8. Soil structure, minerals, microorganisms, building new soil and preventing erosion. Learn to work with the soil food web to create a healthy ecosystem and regenerate degraded land.

9. Earthworks. How to shape the land to help it achieve the goals we are aiming for.

10. Natural Building. How to build structures with materials available on-site.

11. Alternative systems. Community living and other ways of living differently that works well for people and the planet. Bioregional organization, community development, alternative economic systems, permaculture as aid.

Each of these categories has subcategories and each teacher also has their own additions and certain topics that are stressed over others.


Costs for the two week certified PDC course:

Course fee
Dorms: 660 Euro (US$875)
Bring Your Own Tent: 600 Euro (US$795)
This includes yummy vegetarian meals, accommodation and teaching materials
We ask every student for a deposit of 150 Euro to reserve your space. This reservation fee is non refundable.
Early bird discount of 100 Euro for full payment prior 01.10.2014.
Space is limited so its first come, first serve!


Fundraise for your Tuition:

If you are interested in a creative way to come up with funds for this course, look into fundraising for it through It is a great way to reach out to your family and friends, let them know what you are up to and give them a easy way to contribute to your education.

Click on the banner below to learn more:

Fundraise your course tuition with WeTheTrees!


REGISTER NOW! We expect this course to fill, so get your spot locked in.
